100th blog

Yay this is my 100th blog thank you Mrs. Norman for submitting my blogs. I remember when I had 1 blog now 100. My first blog was about my trip to Branson  Missouri, now 100th blog is this blog. My most work that I put in a blog was a my five nights at Freddie’s the last one that was my favorite one. GOOD BYE.

The end of the chair

Teddy and I were running to my garage to get my four wheeler, then he hoped on the back. The chair was right behind us while the other chairs were destroying the town. “hang on” I said. Yee haa we hit a huge ramp and we landed in a swamp then sherk said “get out my swamp.” Run me and Teddy were running as fast as we could then the chair and sherk were fighting and bam. Everything went black then we were in our houses and everything was normal.

The chair part 3

The chair stole the BB gun and he started to shot at Teddy and I,so we toke cover behind a bush and I hid Nerf guns there. “Ahhhh” “fire” BAAAAAAAAM.The chair started to shot back then he made other chairs come life. Then we ran to my back yard and I broke a bee hive and we hid and it saw the chair. The chair was now gone “we need a plan”.

The chair part 2

So I started to drag the chair down the stairs to put in the storage room. So put the chair in there and I went up to bed.”CRASH” There was a sound coming from the basement. So I went to go check it out and the chair was gone. Then there was knocking on the door and Teddy was  and he said ” Is that your chair at the Wolfe’s house and the chair was breaking in there house.

The chair

One day I was walking down the street and I saw a garage sale,so I went over. And a there was a chair it looked nice so I bout it. “Mom” says me “what” mom says ” come quick” says me. So my mom came down and she did not like the chair. OK I will return the chair but I secretly kep it.

End of the year notes

End of year notes are when you wright GOOD notes to your classmates. for instance I am writing inspiring things about my classmates, some might wright some things that they liked about them. Some might say like people look up to them and every one has some people look to them, maybe not now but in the future you will be seen all over the world.


Duolingo is cite where you can learn different languages, So for instance I am learning French. There are different languages like German Spanish and many more,there are also levels like beginner and greetings. Duolingo might seem like a game for fun but it could actually help kids that do not know how to speek a  sertan languages.

Teddy and Dayton

Teddy and Dayton are friends,sometimes teddy pranks him them Dayton pranks him back with a big one. Teddy loves  Minecraft  and Dayton loves a survival game. So you all ready know what they do they complain about witch ones better, but they just magically stop fighting and they star complain about something else then they start pranking each other.

Epic Games

Epic games is company that has created games scene 2017 one of its main games is Fortnite battle Royal. And one of featured games is called drift to win it was not that good of a game but Epic games has made a lot progress scene 2017, And put in comments what I should wright about next.

Map test

The map test is a site that you take huge test for. You can show what you learned this year and most importantly you move on to the next grade. The map test has different subjects it has math, ELA , social studies , since , writing and reading. But even though it might seem scary but take it easy take your time and slow down and you will do perfect