One day i was ridding my bike when herd a run “there are robots that are trying to get in my house”. And it was the fox,bunny,bear,chicken and the golden bear.So i went home and garbed my ax and i went to the lady,s and i called over to the robots and i said “hay over here”.And the robots came charging at me boom! They threw me at a window.And i tried to get in a house but the robots grabbed me! And they took me to there lair and the robots were turning people into robots.5 hours later it is now night time now.And the robots are at the pizza place at night. So i have about 6 hours before they come back.So i got out of my cell and  i saw a ax.So i went to it and it was really sharp.So i saw the door then i looked to the left and there were prisoners.So i thot free my self or be cought and the other people get free. And i chose the exit and i promised the prissoners that i will be back.


So i started to freak out.So i to look around the room and then all the exits were blocked because of the  bear.So i grabbed a iron bar that was on the ground.And i said to myself “hear go,s nothing”.KABOOM!I ramed right into the bear and his parts where every were.So i started to make my way to the kitchen but of cores the golden bear picked me up and throw me back into the office.And i grabbed a axe and wack !!!! I wracked the golden bear.So after awhile i was in the dinning room.And i said to myself “i am hungry”.So i went to the kitchen and i saw the chicken.So i got my axe out and ready to swipe.And she came running at and smack,crack,BOOM!The chicken was lying there on the ground in pieces.So i said to my self “i lost appetite”.So i started to head to the exit .But of course the fox and the bunny are now chasing me every where. But then the fox slashed me on the back and my back had a hock mark on it.Then the rabbit hit me with its gutare. But then the fox throw me throw the glass of the pizza place and right when the fox was going to hit me the pupet brought back all of the robots and telported tham away.                                                   the                  end



five nights at Freddy,s part 19

So i started running tord the exit i was running as fast as i could.And i just barley made it.Cause fox anamatronic swiped its claw.And it riped off some of my shirt.So as i was going home my manager pulled me over.And he asked “where are you going”?And i said “i am going some where safe in my house”!And when i got to my house i went to sleep. And i was having another dream but this time it was in the first pizza place?