my work day

one day In fall my dad hey Sam i will pay you $20 if you rake the yard and the yard was full of was like leaf landlady so i started to rake the yard so first i am going to rake the front yard so it had been 3 hours and i only raked half of my YARD!so my dad said i ow you 10$ because i only raked half of the yard so then it is five o’clock so my dad said come in Sam it is time for dinner so my dad said i ow you $15. THE END

Dayton Ohio

Today im going to school  and my friend has a nick name date-ton for some reason my friend Teddy calls him Dayton  Ohio all time but Dayton actually  likes it its crazy right. so i asked him what is your favorite state and he said o wait can i get a drum roll pleases bum bum he said Ohio. oh and he calls me shimmed sam.

my first time playing wwe 2k 18

today i am going to my friends he said do you want to play wwe 2k 18 so i said sure so he turned on his Xbox one and my friend said hay do you want to play wwe 2k 18  so i said sure and he said who do you want be and i said undertaker and he said i will be triple h ok. so we were a tag team and we were ageist mark Henry and the big show. ok so he said you can go first so i said ok so big show thew a nock out punch I block it and then i did my signature move then all uh sudden mark Henry got in the ring but hurried to do the tombstone and then my friend got a chair wack right on the back of mark Henry’s head mark was out so my friend and did a double pin 1 2 3 we win .